PODCAST EP 006 - AFFECTS & The Custom Home 2
In today's episode, We cover preparing for the external "Affects" on your custom home or project as a crucial step you should never skip.
You will also learn more about how you can be ready for the unexpected as I take you through what you need to analyze, explore and a few examples, and discuss how we can help you be ready!
Here are key things to listen out for:
Can you have a custom home without custom preparation?
The external forces: Depending on how one receives them they can have different outcomes
The importance of preparation: Listen to what is done in the analysis, and preparation stage before design.
Affects analysis: helps to create the first piece or model of the project.
Key Highlights
[00:33] A recap of the previous episodes
[01:24] Why you should consider the effects
[01:57] Talking of Oscar Niemeyer
[05:28] The analysis and preparation stage
[06:58] Being prepared for the unexpected
[09:31] SWOT Analysis
[10:34] Examples of unexpected things that can happen
[13:38] Being prepared financially
[17:18] How we can help you be prepared
[18:39] The keys to a project
[21:31] What's coming up in the next episode
Notable quotes
● You owe it to yourself to think through whatever things you discover financially or zoning-wise.
● The sand can actually be a good foundation in Florida. But there are certain types that are not. And we want to do the process of preparation to help you to know what to expect.
● Especially in this custom home process, everybody should be able to have a … predictable understanding of what that process of discovery and analysis is going to be and what you can come up with.
● Different design styles all call for a different type of space, a different type of circulation, and a different type of use. You can’t just re-coat a floor plan.
● The keys of a project are, you identify what you need for the team, you form the team, you normalize the team, you execute the project and then you close up.
Website: https://www.ca-rd.com/podcast
Instagram: @CARDARCH
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