PODCAST EP 022 - ELEMENTS - The Four Roots of Architecture


All buildings we see around us began as conceptual elements before taking the forms they are in today. Elements are born from a client's mind and, through relationship and care, are transferred to the designer's stewardship and ultimately realized as habitable buildings. These primary elements of architecture include point, line, plane, and volume. The order of these elements shows the transition from a one-dimensional line to a three-dimensional volume, from a single point to a 3D-volumetric habitable house. They can be defined as follows:

        I. Point- This is the prime element. Conceptually, it has no dimensions and aims to mark a position in space. At rest, it organizes surrounding details about itself and dominates its field. A point is like a corner, the two walls and the ceiling, or the floor and two walls.

               II. Line- This is an extended point. Lines could be the seams between different things, for example, the roof line traveling across the wall.

               III. Plane- A series of parallel lines, through their repetitiveness, will create a plane/surface. It could be something that contains a texture, and it could be something that defines a boundary. It might be an implied plane, where you may want to have a connection between your living room and your kitchen.

               IV. Volume- In architectural format, it is the whole house. It has three dimensions; length, width, and depth.

Here are key things to listen out for

1. What are the four primary elements of architecture?

2. The elements of the matter used to create the building.

3. How to correctly apply the four root elements of architectural space in your custom home.

Key Highlights

[00:00:27] Introducing today's topic

[00:01:01] Elements of architecture in custom home projects

[00:01:45] What's a point, and how does it relate to other elements?

[00:02:02] Definition of a line and how it relates to points.

[00:02:49] Volumetric or three-dimensional space.

[00:11:21] Elements of the matter that we use to create the building

[00:18:07] Closing remarks.

 Notable quotes

● You will get more value out of your money when you understand the mood and think about the qualities of the thoughts you're producing.

● From seeing that your thoughts are things that you choose, you may have a reactionary thought when you see it and think that that's your thought. Based on conditioning, the life experiences you've accepted will be your initial thoughts.

● Architecture is not that confined; it is not that simple; it is a holistic experience. It goes all the way from the point to the carved-up volume, comes together, and creates this experience for you.

● You want to give the time and energy to your project in a way filled with love and thankfulness as you go through the process so that it becomes something you want.

● Remember, the DNA in your architecture is your desires, the nature around you, and the things affecting it. The more you can "elementally" describe each fixation, the more you will get out of what you want from those things.

● If you are excited about this and ready to start, don't wait. Get your custom home journey started. It's one of the most rewarding things you can do in life.

● All these things are God-created; they are in the universe. The geometry points, lines, planes, and all those things are sacred to our universe.


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recorded 220805

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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