PODCAST EP 025 - ITERATION - Refining Your Custom Home Design


Iterating the custom home concept helps work through ideas and removes unnecessary things. It is part f discovering your architectural DNA. When you have done design checks and balances, something you are proud of emerges.  

Give time and space to the custom home design process; let yourself look at things, feel what you feel in your initial reaction, pause, come back, and see if you think and feel the same. Ask if your thoughts are the ones you intend to have. If not, what will help you choose according to your goals? Write down the feeling you want to have in the space. Sometimes, the iteration to make something is to ground it in the spatial composition and then add elements that are not creating a floating or distracting sense in the room. 

Here are key things to listen out for:

● process of iteration

● Importance of love and appreciation

● Iteration in custom homes

Key Highlights

[00:00:27] An exercise of love and appreciation

[00:04:28] How iteration relates to custom homes

[00:07:23] Stepwise the process of iteration: Step 1: Get DNA, design, and pause

[00:09:59] Step 2: Development; get your reaction

[00:11:59] Step 3: Construction documents

Notable Quotes

● Don't just say thank you to people; say, "Thank you for getting that to me on time." Because then it connects to what the actual thank you is for and adds depth to it.

● When in doubt when building a custom home, the DNA is the thing that you want to go back to, but when you are designing, you still need to pass those things through to filter to make sure they are right.

● The three phases of architecture are a proven strategy I've used and experienced myself. I've also used it with others and found that it is conducive to a successful project for you in your home.

● I want everybody to look at their design and feel, "This is me; this has a soul." That's our goal is to communicate to your soul, your spirit, and your attitude through your architecture and through your group.

● Typically, three times going through something will give you enough to filter through things, and that back and forth can make a good decision on whatever part of your project you're working on.

● Sometimes the iteration to make something minimalist is to ground it, to add something else so that it's not something floating or distracting in the space, so it's not just taking away. Those simple gestures or those precise gestures can do that for your space.


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Recorded 220902

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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