PODCAST EP 035 - WARRANTY & Your Custom Home


The Card Custom Home and Architecture podcast aims to prioritize the artistic and creative aspects of custom home building and architecture. While there are numerous resources available online regarding home warranties, it is crucial to remember the unique nature of your custom home when planning for its care and maintenance. It is essential to have a warranty and the ability to service it to safeguard your investment, as assumptions that insurance or warranties will cover everything are all too common. JD can provide useful tips to get started, especially regarding the artistic aspects of your home and how to strengthen its longevity with a warranty.

When it comes to custom homes, people usually want something unique, not just a typical off-the-shelf design. Thus, there are important considerations to keep in mind, including budgeting for your custom home in relation to warranty, specialty items in a custom home, and the emergency process. During the podcast, listeners can expect to hear about these key highlights and notable quotes on warranty considerations and home maintenance.

To ensure that the final product meets your requirements, it is recommended to order extra materials and have a plan in place to address issues quickly, such as a big roof leak that could cause extensive damage during extreme weather events. It is crucial to work with a builder who is prepared to take care of any issues that may arise during the warranty period, protecting your investment and avoiding damage. Ultimately, by prioritizing artistic and unique aspects of your custom home with a comprehensive warranty plan, you can enjoy your dream home for years to come.

Here are key things to listen out for:

● Budgeting for your custom home concerning warranty

● Specialty items in a custom

● Specialty items in a custom home

● Emergency in a custom home process

● How warranty strengthens the longevity of your home

Key Highlights

[00:00:35] Introduction to today's topic: Adventures and warranty

[00:02:09] Warranty considerations to have in a custom home

[00:05:14] Specialty items in a custom home

[00:10:43] Emergency in a custom home process

Notable Quotes

● If you've ordered a custom item, balancing your expectations is important. Before making any assumptions, talk to your architect and builder to determine the warranty status for that type of item. Consider whether you want to budget for a replacement part or if you're willing to be patient and wait for the thing to be fixed in due time.

● A significant roof leak could cause extensive damage to the house, especially during a hurricane or other extreme weather events, especially if the roof wasn't installed properly. It's essential to have a plan in place to address these types of issues quickly. You want to work with a builder prepared to handle any problems arising during the warranty period. This way, you can avoid damage and protect your home correctly.

● Items can get damaged during shipping, or mistakes can happen during construction. To ensure that the final product meets your requirements, order extra materials. For example, when purchasing tiles, order more than the amount needed to account for broken pieces or tiles, not the correct size.

● Because you want something artistic, something unique, make sure you plan to care for that with the warranty and the capability to service that warranty.


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Recorded 230217

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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