PODCAST EP 012 - SCHEMATIC 2 - The Custom Home Big Picture

Schematic Design 2

Today, you want to listen because you'll find out how to solidify further the main idea of the custom home of your dreams, making it a design you love and connect with each day. This episode is the second one on Schematic design. For more, go back to episode 10 to dive deeper.

Schematic design is directly connected to the DREAMS portion of architectural DNA. As a quick recap of previous episodes: DNA is DREAMS, NATURE, & AFFECTS. These are the key factors to address and synergize for every successful architectural project.

Here are key things to listen out for:

  1. Achieving the design that touches your soul

  2. What to keep in mind when designing your dream home

  3. Worksheet to plan a perfect home for yourself

Key Highlights

[00:26] Today's topic

[01:15] How to achieve the design that you connect to

[02:15] Putting your ideas on paper

[04:28] Picture your home in different styles and how each influence your story

[06:59] Get the light figured out 

[07:30] Choosing suitable materials

[09:33] Deciding on the color pallete

[11:48] Coming up with the design

[14:26] Be open-minded when sharing your design thoughts!

[15:20] My worksheet to help you design your dream home

Notable Quotes

● The way to achieve designs you connect to, spend time walking around in that home, or idea yourself in your mind (and sometimes VR).

● A home with a soul doesn't happen by default.

● Written Statements describing your home are more potent than just a picture. Though a picture is worth a thousand words, you have to give it those words for those words to mean something.

● If there's a house you like near you, I suggest you go there and look at it in the daytime and the nighttime and see what happens as the light moves across it.

● Sometimes, people have an old chandelier they love or something from an artist they want to be an essential thing in the home. So those are the things that will create the special moments in your house that make it memorable.


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Recorded 220520

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


PODCAST EP 013 - MATERIAL - The Substance of a Custom Home


PODCAST EP 011 - MASSING - Custom Home Big Picture