PODCAST EP 013 - MATERIAL - The Substance of a Custom Home
Podcast - Design Development: Material
Material can create a lasting emotional connection in your home.
When deciding on materials for your custom home or project, it's easy to get caught up in all the options and forget about the emotional impact of materials. At CA-RD, we propose to use the architecture DNA you discover during the first phase of your project to provide a guiding star for selection. What you select can put you at ease or make you feel energized and excited, depending on the story materials assigned by your preferences. Materials also create a sense of place, which is why they're so important in home design. The choice of fabric or wood can affect how you feel about your home, so it's vital that you choose according to your architectural DNA.
For a recap on Architectural-DNA, listen to earlier episodes to get all the details.
In today's episode, I will share with you how you can rely on suitable materials to bring that connection and add your feelings to your custom home, as well as tips for choosing the right ones.
Here are the key things to listen out for:
How Material creates an emotional connection to or against your design
How to connect Material with other things in your home
How to choose suitable materials with intention
Key Highlights
[00:44] A recap of the previous episodes
[03:22] Material and emotional connection
[04:39] Connecting your Material to other things
[07:03] Questions to ask yourself when choosing the Material
[09:24] Considering the specifications
[13:49] Some practical things to keep in mind
Notable Quotes
● The way we build today is additive or layers. And it's more akin to the way you would do an animation sequence, or you're building upon a foundation and adding layers.
● Material has emotion connected to it.
● Each person will feel very different things about the same Material.
● Your material selection will be the most successful when it is compared or contrasted with the other things that are part of your main idea.
● Make sure detailed connections between systems are
Cared for during design and construction
Considered with your DNA / Narrative
Connected with the overall volume of your building
● Be open to innovating or coming up with ideas you haven't seen.
Connect with JD Carling.
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Recorded 220526