PODCAST EP 019 - MODERN - Home as Exploration

Modern is Dead 

In today's CA-RD Custom Home and Architecture podcast episode, JD Carling delves into narrative-based architecture design. JD discusses that modern architecture is dead in a sense, but narrative architecture is always alive. 

"Modern architecture is dead" is a striking saying. Still, the main idea is that any style scripted following hinders the ability to make a narrative-based architecture around your lifestyle, even if you adhere to modern aesthetics or ideas. 

Here are key things to listen out for: 

  1. Hyper rationalism as a springboard to narrative-based architecture. 

  2. Why Modern Architecture is dead

  3. Architectural design styles that have made their way into custom homes


[00:32] Why modern takes on everything if you want a custom home today [00:43] how architecture with a label can get started. 

[01:10] Architectural designs that have made their way into the custom home. [05:59]Ownership versus experience 

[07:27] A narrative through architecture 

[07:35] JD'S story for custom home/ craftsman style architecture 

[09:37] How levels translate into architecture

[03:47]Rem Koolhaas's architectural movement 

[16:24]The village creating your story 

[17:39]About our needs and options concept 

Notable Quotes 

● "Just like NAS said, rap is dead; I believe when he said that, it was pretty correct about the art form." 

● "When looking for your architectural DNA, spend time understanding your intentional dreams, the nature you're occupying, and outside forces affecting you." 

● "There's so much excess and a desire for experience that material possession is not as important to most people, or in mass just collecting things as much. So I've seen a shift in people. " (Update: see maximalism as a reversal on this)

● "You could have a great flow and an awesome beat. But the thing that we remember is the bedtime stories." 

● "One of the things I propose is to embrace that idea of the hyper rationalism as a springboard to narrative-based architecture." 

● "The magic is not created out of thin air. Intentional work creates magic.

● "Each person that wants to and is pursuing it should have the ability to live in a home that tells their story that they go from living in a home that was perhaps someone else's story or someone else's idea of what we should be doing to one that you want to write for yourself." 

● "Modern Architecture is dead. But what's alive is narrative-based architecture." 


Connect with JD Carling. 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cardarch/ 

Website: https://www.ca-rd.com/ Remember to sign up for free consultation

Shop: www.ca-rd.shop


JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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