PODCAST EP 020 - LUXURY - What Does it Really Mean?

True Luxury

Luxury is being extravagant or having great comfort in what you're doing. As much as having "expensive" stuff in your custom home can be desirable, lasting Luxury emerges with care and attention to design. Interestingly enough, an enormous number of expensive materials in houses, say, bathtubs, translate to high maintenance costs, and eventually, they cease to be luxuries and become liabilities. Kanye West once said, "The Only Luxury is Time." In this episode, JD will discuss Luxury in the context of your home, coupled with examples that equate Luxury to attention and care. 

 Here are things to listen out for

1. What is a luxury, and what is the new Luxury in the context of your custom home?

2. The difference between burdensome Luxury and lasting Luxury.

Key highlights

[00:0027] Introducing today's topic.

[00:02:01] What is Luxury defined?

[00:06:05] Personal philosophy about Luxury

[00:07:41] Example of the Asian way of repairing broken materials with gold

[00:08:12] A visit to a luxury home while in college

[00:10:46] Contrast and difference in opinions between the owner of the house and the architect

[00:17:42] Closing remarks.

 Notable quotes

● An architectural movement is all about the exploration or discovery of something new, and that is architecture.

● Some say Luxury isn't having the thing; it is the ability to have it. I've got this much money, and I could get this if I want to; I could afford five.

● Paying attention to things so that they turn out well. If you want to line up something, ensuring it is lined up correctly upon implementation takes an extra step of attention.

● Don't skimp on being extravagant with your attention to the time with your architect or the person leading your project's design, so your main ideas will come through.

● Embrace the craftsmanship, tactility, and texture in the things that go into your home, the light switches, the handles, the floor, the door, and the jams on your doors. Those things do the same thing with your plan.

● Luxury to me is not having the burden of unnecessary stuff, the burden of having so much extra, or the burden of caring for things that aren't necessary.

● In the context of your home, Luxury is attention, and Luxury is care, and you want to pour out care.

● It isn't so much the amount of space, but it's working it and getting it to that level where you live in the plan during design. It becomes a sustainable exercise for you and not a burden to you.

● A custom home is not the cheapest, but if you know it is right for you, spend your money and make the investment in a way that you will connect with for a long time.

● Craftsmanship can mean you want it to be perfect, but you still want it to be evident that a person put their care and attention into your creation.


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Recorded: 220722

JohnDavid Carling

Architect Artist & Builder


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